بازگشت به بانک اطلاعات پایان نامه ها

شماره دانشجویی : 930276975
نویسنده : مریم مدبر
عنوان پایان نامه : موزه هنرهای تجسمی لاهیجان با رویکرد معماری بومی منطقه
دانشكده : دانشکده تحصیلات تکمیلی و مجتمع فنی
گروه تحصيلي : معماری
رشته/گرایش تحصيلي : مهندسي معماري
مقطع تحصيلي : کارشناسی ارشد
استاد راهنما (استاد مدعو) : , مهندس میر باذل,
استاد مشاور () : ,
چكيده : Abstract A visual art center with a purpose of creating a place to communicate with the various branches of visual arts as well as general understanding of qualities and aesthetic value is indispensable as a place calls cultural centers. With no doubt. Regardless on other factors the development of any society depends on it’s cultural background. Disregarding indigenous cultural background can lead to a lack of identity of a nation and would cause irreparable damage. As we know Guilan has powerfull historical background of art and architecture and surprisingly, today we see witnessing a kind of identity in architecture and urbanism. While in the past the buildings, neighborhoods and the cities showed tissue specificity of the indigenous culture this feature is now destroyed. The inhabitants of towns and villages have been away its history and culture this is why we need local architecture more than ever. This research examines the vernacular architecture in LAHIJAN and put together this issues which deal with cultural monuments such as the museum and we are curious what qualities it should have. The question is, can we make legible building according to regional climate? And is it possible to take effective steps to rich the protection of indigenous architecture To understanding about this process at the first place, we attempt to rich Using the vernacular architecture of regional libraries and effective components, based on crucial questionnaires which is that in experts hands and The results were analyzed by SPSS software and Finally, it provided maintain local values based on the principles of proper environmental plan as the Museum of Fine Arts in the city of Lahijan Gilan.
كلمات كليدي : Key words: vernacular architecture, museum, visual art, Lahijan
تاريخ دفاع : 1395-11-30