بازگشت به بانک اطلاعات پایان نامه ها

شماره دانشجویی : 950511478
نویسنده : حمیدرضا حیدری ایمن آبادی
عنوان پایان نامه : بررسی ارتباط بین قابلیت تسهیم دانش و قابلیت نوآوری با توجه به نقش قابلیت یادگیری سازمانی و فرهنگ جمع گرایی در شرکت های تولیدکننده مواد غذایی استان گیلان
دانشكده : دانشکده مدیریت و حسابداری
گروه تحصيلي : مدیریت
رشته/گرایش تحصيلي : مديريت اجرايي
مقطع تحصيلي : کارشناسی ارشد
استاد راهنما (استاد مدعو) : , دکتر مهدی فدائی,
استاد مشاور () : ,
چكيده : The overall purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between knowledge sharing capability and innovation capability with regard to the role of organizational learning capability and collectivist culture. The research method is descriptive and its purpose is applied. The method of data collection is field and its tool is questionnaire. The population under study included 200 food producers in Guilan province. 117 companies were ed by simple random sampling method. Finally, questionnaires were collected and data were analyzed using SPSS22 and SMART PLS3 software. Data analysis showed that at 95% level of knowledge sharing, there is a significant relationship between innovation and organizational learning capability; organizational learning capability has a significant relationship with innovation capability; It mediates the capability of innovation; and also the culture of collectivism moderates the relationship between the ability to share knowledge with innovation and the capability of organizational learning.
كلمات كليدي : Knowledge Sharing, Organizational Learning Ability, Collectivization Culture, and Innovation Ability
تاريخ دفاع : 1397-11-7